What are the benefits of giving to the United Way of Tri-County if I don’t live in the MetroWest / 495 Corridor?
The benefits of having a safe place for youth, feeding the hungry, opportunities for students to succeed, a lower crime rate, and the ability for corporations to attract and retain talent are just a few examples of how a stronger community benefits us all.
Whether you live, work, or play here, United Way is a part of your community. Your contribution improves lives in 34 communities throughout Middlesex, Norfolk, and Worcester counties.
United Way invests your contributions in over 20 programs and direct services, helping thousands of people every year. In 2015, United Way invested over $1.3 million to agencies throughout the region to help support programs in the areas of Education, Financial Stability, Health, and Basic Human Needs. Your contribution makes this support possible.
United Way assesses and responds to our community’s most critical needs. Through in-depth research, United Way staff and volunteers determine which agencies and programs can best address these problems that affect so many of our neighbors and friends.
Funds are distributed to these local programs based on program effectiveness and impact evidence. Staff regularly monitor these agencies and programs to ensure that United Way is only investing in programs that manage their money responsibly and produce positive, impactful results. The same scrutiny is applied to United Way's direct service programs as well.
United Way Worldwide is a global service organization that provides services and support to thousands of local, independent United Ways throughout the world. United Way of Tri-County has its own 501(c)(3) certification, is independently governed by a local board of directors, and pays dues to United Way Worldwide. Money raised in the MetroWest / 495 Corridor stays in the MetroWest/495 Corridor, supporting local programs and helping local people.
A volunteer board of directors sets local United Way policies and works in partnership with the president and CEO administering the day-to-day operations.
United Way of Tri-County is one of the most efficient fundraising organizations in the country, with low administrative and fundraising expenses. United Way invests almost 81% of the money raised in annual campaigns in community problem solving - far exceeding the national average of closer to 65%. Thanks to the help of hundreds of volunteers each year, United Way of Tri-County is able to minimize costs, keeping administrative and fundraising expenses low.
Yes, United Way reflects all the people who live and work in the MetroWest / 495 Corridor area. From our volunteers to donors, to staff and the people we help, United Way embraces and celebrates the diversity within our communities. We believe that this makes us a stronger organization and drives positive change in our community.
Since your employer will no longer be providing a paycheck from which to deduct your pledged amount, your contributions will end. Your pledge does not automatically get routed to your new place of employment or to your home address.
Research with donors indicates that they perceive one of the most significant benefits of personal giving is the feeling of being part of a collective effort to solve problems and make a difference in their community. That sense of community involvement is derived from joining with fellow employees in the United Way effort at the workplace.
Yes, most people appreciate the opportunity to participate. In fact, people with lower incomes sometimes participate more than their higher-paid co-workers. Giving through payroll deduction is convenient, and even a small amount each pay period makes a difference. Over fifty percent of donors gave less than $100 last year.
Even if someone does not feel comfortable making a monetary contribution to United Way, there are other ways to get involved, such as through our Volunteer Center. To learn more about volunteering with United Way of Tri-County, email volunteer@uwotc.org.
By giving to United Way you can make the greatest possible difference and help the most people by supporting our community’s network of health and human services, which address our community’s most critical issues. United Way oversees the programs it invests in to ensure results and efficiency. So, you can be certain your money is well invested.
In addition, a donation to United Way may qualify for matching funds, increasing the investment in our community even more.
Yes. United Way of Tri-County uses GuideStar as a resource to determine an agency’s status as a 501(c)(3) organization. If the agency is not listed in the GuideStar database, appropriate documentation must be provided by the agency before the designations will be sent.
Donors may designate their gift as they see fit. However such designations are not monitored or overseen by United Way.
It is deducted from after-tax pay.
Yes, any marketable security traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange or over the counter may be contributed to United Way of Tri-County. If you wish to make a stock contribution, please contact Moe Edwards at 508-370-4861 or moe.edwards@uwotc.org.
Please see answers below. In addition, donors should consult their tax advisors for more specific guidance.
• Payroll Deduction: For contributions through payroll deduction, your final year-end paycheck and your pledge form will substantiate your total United Way contribution for the year.
• Check: For contributions to United Way by check, your canceled check is your receipt. For contributions of $250 or more, United Way of Tri-County will automatically provide you with a letter stating that no goods or services were given to you in exchange for your contribution. This letter will be provided to you no later than January 31 of the year following the gift. For contributions of less than $250, United Way of Tri-County will provide a similar letter at the request of the donor.
• Stock: For contributions of stock, United Way of Tri-County will automatically provide you with a letter communicating the amount of the charitable deduction and confirming that no goods or services were given to you in exchange for the contribution.